
Ever wanted to join the circus? Women’s circus training is an adventure of twists, flips, balances, jumps and turns that will build your strength, flexibility and focus. And you can try it at any age!

More people are taking up circus as a hobby, and there are many styles to choose from including acro balance, hoop, rope, silks and trapeze. Find some tips below to have a go yourself.

On this page we look at:

  • How This Girl Can Ambassador Rosie was amazed at how women of all ages were trying circus when she had a go for the first time
  • Circus training – what is it? Can I do it as a beginner?
  • Finding adult circus classes near you to give it a try

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Feeling like a ‘late bloomer’, Rosie signed up for trapeze classes. She hasn’t looked back since!

Rosie felt like a “late bloomer” signing up to trapeze classes in her mid-twenties, but found there were people of all ages: “I love it because it lets me know there’s not an expiry date, you can just keep doing something if you love it.” For Rosie, trapeze is about building strength and skills, and not about looking “beach-fit”. “I saw a billboard with a beautiful blonde woman that said ‘are you beach ready’, and it just annoyed me because it makes women feel bad, like ‘what have I been doing all winter?’,” she said. “It drives me crazy, because there’s so much more to life than whether your body is perfectly toned,” Rosie explained.

What is circus training, and what does it involve?

Circus skills are what performers use to entertain us at – you guessed it – the circus. But circus training isn’t just for travelling performers or only those who started at an early age. It’s a unique, fun and alternative way to get active.

Circus training  a bit of gymnastics, a splash of acrobatics, and a dash of yoga all thrown in together. It can be low intensity or high, and can be enjoyed by women of all ages, body shapes and ability levels.

Circus classes focus on ground skills like juggling, walking on stilts, handstands, as well as trapeze, aerial hoops, tumbling and more. If you give it a try, you might surprise yourself at what you enjoy practicing the most.

Want to learn what a ‘gazelle’, ‘mermaid on the bar’ or ‘spider’ is? It’s time to look for a circus class near you!

Finding women’s circus classes and training

You’ll be surprised at how many circus skills classes there are in Melbourne and regional Victoria for women to get involved in. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t tried it before. Adult circus classes are open for beginners and instructors love to see new faces and share their craft.

  • Search online to find women’s circus training near you. You can do classes in trapeze or other disciplines, or participate in more general programs that cover a few areas. There are also options to get more involved with advanced training.
  • Social circus classes focus on fun and providing a welcoming environment to learn circus skills and meet new people. Have a look to see which suits.

You’ll also find a range of circus fitness studios that offer class-based workouts that are based on circus moves. If you want to try a workout that’s a little bit different but still has more of a group training feel, this is worth your while.

With circus training, all that matters is putting your hand up and saying ‘hey, I’d like to try that!’ and being willing to get in there and see if you enjoy it.

Try circus training in Melbourne or regional Victoria

  • Google it! See what’s happening near you. Circus schools for adults are spread out across the state, so chances are you’ll find one you can get to.
  • Find a Supporter in your neighbourhood to see if a women’s circus school has registered online to support This Girl Can – Victoria.
  • Ask other women about circus – chat to your friends, family or colleagues about doing an activity together, or post a question to our Facebook page where there’s a super supportive community of women who can help you out.

Can’t get out right now?

If you can’t make it outside, there are many other ways to get active, increase your heart-rate and enjoy the feeling of movement in your day.

Circus skills can be practiced at home with virtual circus classes online. Have a look around for free circus training videos, and have a go at some of the moves. You can also try some workouts on our Get Active @ Home hub  that focus on flexibility, balance and core strength so when you do join a class, you’re feeling more confident.

Learn more about This Girl Can – Victoria and how it’s helping women feel good by getting activity in a way that suits them.

With so many activities out there for women to have a go at, it can be hard to pick just one! Here are some others you can jump into and see what you enjoy doing the most.