Home exercise tips from This Girl Can – Victoria ambassadors


Get inspired by these everyday Victorian women showing how they’re  exercising at home to stay active during the coronavirus pandemic

Our This Girl Can – Victoria ambassadors are everyday women who came forward to share their stories about getting active.

There are no models or professional athletes here, just women of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, getting active at home – however they choose.

See what’s helping our ambassadors stay active and feel great during the coronavirus pandemic.

Brenda uses a piece of her clothesline as a skipping rope

Woman uses clothesline as skipping rope to exercise at home (This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador Brenda

Brenda enjoys activities that don’t require lots of equipment, generally preferring to keep it to “good shoes and a good bra”. So she has turned a piece of clothesline into a skipping rope to stay active at home.

After high school, Brenda had a 15-year break where she “didn’t do anything”, then when she got around to getting active again, she did it by walking first, then running eventually. Now getting active makes Brenda feel alive. See Brenda’s story here.

When was the last time you tried skipping, or another activity you might not have done since school?

Jaime does hip-raises with her smiling toddler along for the ride

Mother does hip raises with her child sitting on top of her to get some exercise at home (Jaime is a This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador)

Jaime has a toddler and uses some of her time down on the floor with bub to sneak in a few strength exercises that double as ‘horsey rides’, it’s a win-win!

After her first baby, Jaime felt self-conscious getting active, but she was happy when she got back into doing the activities she loves. See Jaime’s story here.

Sana uses a belt and yoga mat for a DIY strength-and-stretch routine at home

After her first child, Sana realised she needed to get stronger physically and mentally. “Stress comes with the job of motherhood, and stress is a physical thing, so you need a physical outlet for it”. 

Now Sana does strength training at home while her baby is sleeping: “My second child has not been an easy baby from day one, but I’ve been able to handle it better”.

And while yoga studios have special adjustable straps you can use to support yourself as you stretch, Sana uses a belt to do exactly the same thing at home!

Woman does yoga stretches at home using a belt instead of a yoga strap (This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador Sana)
Woman does 'cat cow' back stretch exercises at home in backyard (Sana is a This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador
Woman does downward dog to plank yoga at home in backyard (Sana is a This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador)
Woman does bridge yoga pose to exercise at home in backyard (Sana is a This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador)

Sana has learned how to do different stretches and strengthening exercises so she can build them into a home exercise routine. See a video of Sana telling her story here.

Sindi and her daughter do pullups

Sindi has seven kids, and she fits in some physical activity whenever she can. Here she is with one of her daughters doing pullups in a doorway at home.

Woman and daughter do pullups in doorway to exercise at home (Sindi is a This Girl Can - Victoria ambassador)

Both Sindi and her daughter have built the strength to do these pullups over time. Not taking themselves too seriously, it’s likely there were a lot of laughs along the way. See Sindi’s story here.

We hope every woman in Victoria feels like she can give something a go at home like these women have, no matter how good they are. All that matters is that you’re giving it a go. Try to focus on how you feel, and you might find you keep going back for more.


As with all exercise programs you need to work within your own limits. If you feel unwell, have any injuries, health conditions, are pregnant or just had a baby, please consult your medical or allied health professional before undertaking any exercise including the activities on this page.

These activities are a collection of suggested exercises to provide you with some ideas to move your body. It is intended for personal use only and is not a substitute for personal healthcare or physical therapy.

VicHealth is not liable for any injuries or harm you may sustain while performing the exercises on this page.

Have a coronavirus question?

For all coronavirus questions visit www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au or call the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) hotline on 1800 020 080.