This Girl Can – Victoria Podcast: Kelly’s Episode
VicHealth’s This Girl Can – Victoria podcast is all about women getting active in their own way and focusing on how good it makes them feel.
This week in our final episode for season one, we meet Kelly who feels recharged when she gets active
Episode 8: Kelly
Kelly’s a mum of three, and like many parents, put the wellbeing of her kids before her own.
After the birth of her youngest child, Kelly realised it was time to focus on her own health. Looking after herself first, meant she could better care for her family.
“Self-love is not selfish. It’s love. So it makes me a happier person, which means I’ll be a better person to everyone around me”
Today, Kelly has a love of Pilates and is part of a netball team made up of a beautiful community of other mums from her children’s school. Not only does this benefit Kelly’s own mental and physical health, but she’s showing her children that anyone – regardless of age or ability – should get active because of how great it makes you feel.
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Catch up on the series
This is the final episode of our first season of This Girl Can – Victoria podcast. If you’d like to catch up on the previous episodes, simply search for This Girl Can – Victoria wherever you’re listening to podcasts.
For a full transcript of the podcast, click here.